We help you  
of your .

Rawnest offers technology backed growth consultations to new and existing cloud kitchen brands.
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uncoverrr the roadmap to a successful Cloud Kitchen Brand.

Learn from people who started just like you did. Our founders, with years of starting and running their kitchens, learn about your aspirations from the cloud kitchen brand and create a unique roadmap for your success.

Superhumans behind the scenes.

Consult with people just like you. Our founders are experts in their respective domains with years of experience planning, setting and running their own cloud kitchens.
Anshul Upreti
Chief Concept Planner
A petrolhead with crazy ideas for new initiatives, Anshul handles concept planning, implementation and streamlining.
kanav bhatia
Chief Automation Officer
A technology pursuant with a weakness for  gadgets, Kanav runs our business automation drives to ease everyone's daily operations.
Pramod Upreti
Chief Sourcing Specialist
With over 30 years of procurement and managerial experience under his belt, Pramod heads our Supply Chain Management.
sukriti chamola
Brand Management Officer
A true designer at heart who doesn't believe too much coffee is a thing at all, Sukriti heads our Creatives and Brand Asset Management.
Aditi Upreti
Head of Human Resources
A psychologist by the day and , Aditi heads our school of talent hunting, acquisition and training. 
Nikhita bhatia
Head of Financial and Resource Planning
An MBA by degree and chief analyst by profession, Nikhita handles our big data and runs the number game for budgeting and forecasting profitability  

Aim bigger. Run better. Market bolder.

As end to end consultants, we offer research and experience backed strategies based on your current scenario that helps you accomplish more than your competitors with same or lesser investments.

Where we help you?

Occasionally Asked Question

We learnt it the hard way so you don’t have to.

We help you create the perfect workflow to optimize every bit of your cloud kitchen operations leading to direct & indirect cost saves to boost your bottom line.

Let's build a great brand together. Shall we?

The experts at Rawnest are here to help you create a revolutionary brand that is geared with streamlined operations and loved by people.
Let's Start
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